What is Cardiometabolic health?

What is Cardiometabolic health?

Did you know that only 1 in 14 American adults have optimal heart and metabolic health? A recent article, July 2022 , in the Journal of American College of Cardiology stated that only 6.8% of US adults have optimal cardiometabolic health, declining from 1999-2000. Metabolic health is determined by adiposity (fat storage/healthy weight and waist circumference), blood glucose, (normal blood sugar level without taking medication), blood lipids (ideal... Read More

By: Deanna Snyder, RN Monday October 10, 2022 comments Tags: #DeannaSnyder, #BeWellEssentials, #doTERRA , #MetaPWR, #bloodsugar, #cholesterol, #healthyweight, #inflammation, #sugar, #HealthyEating, #DailyMovement, #StressManagement, #HealthyConnections, #SmartSupplmentation, #weightloss, #NeedMoreEnergy, #ImproveMyMood, #NeedMoreSleep, #BrainFog



