Take Care of Your Microbiome

By: Deanna Snyder, RN Wednesday October 11, 2023 comments Tags: #DeannaSnyder, #BeWellEssentials, #dōTERRA , #microbiome, #guthealth, #probiotic, #postbiotic, #prebiotic, #digestivehealth



Last month we started our conversation about Gut Health - Understanding Your Microbiome.  This month we will dive a little deeper on how we have discovered how the microbiome impacts our overall health and wellness. When you take care of your microbiome, it will take care of you. You need a variety of microbes to process food supplements, produce important signaling messages, and assist the immune system among other crucial functions.  Having good bacteria in your gut will essentially weed out the bad pathogens, leaving no room for harmful bacteria to land, colonize, and infect.  The microbiome has several critical health functions such as immunity, digestion, energy metabolism, sleep and brain and heart support and healthy weight maintenance.


Your Microbiome is More than the Gut


Did you know that you have more microbial cells than human cells in your body?  Not all bacteria or viruses are bad for you.  When you support a healthy microbiome, your body knows the difference and will take care of you.   Your body has several different niches that microbes reside.  These niches include your skin, mouth, gut, and other mucous membranes.   Diet plays a key role in the microbiome.  Having a diverse and healthy diet significantly affects the diversity of your microbiome. Lack of food diversity isn’t just a hypothetical problem.  It is affecting our microbiome right now.  According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the 75% of plant genetic diversity has been lost as farmers worldwide have left multiple local varieties for genetically uniform, high-yielding crops.  Of the 250,000 to 300,000 known edible plant species, humans only use 150 to 200.  Today, 75% of the world’s food is generated from only 12 plants and five animal species!  The modern food systems effectively starve your microbiome of the diversity it needs to thrive! 


Your gut microbiome communicates with your brain through bidirectional axes, helps decide which nutrients to use, and can even determine how food impacts your genes and supports your immune system.  The gut-brain connection is supported by short-chain fatty acids.  Thanks to the ecosystem of microbes living and thriving along this chain supports your mood, cognition, mental health, and pain sensitivity.  When you feel stressed, your gut knows it and reacts.   


Your skin is a physical barrier that protects you against foreign pathogens.  It would have a difficult time doing so without a team of diverse microbiota that colonizes your skin, eyes, ears, and a woman’s reproductive tract.


Your nose, sinuses, and lungs are internal to your immune health.  While you may only eat three to five times a day, you breathe 10 to 20 times a minute.  Each breath introduces new bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa into your internal environment. Your immune system handles millions of interactions every day.


Your mouth is an ideal environment for microorganism growth. A healthy oral microbiome benefits from drinking plenty of water, getting your essential nutrients, and maintaining a normal temperature.  Recent groundbreaking research has linked regular use of alcohol-based mouthwash disrupts the oral microbiome and sugar metabolism problems.


Your gut, the body’s powerhouse!  The microbial communities in your stomach, small and large intestines, liver and colon all play important roles in your body’s health.


Each microbiome may be independent of each other, but work in harmony as they communicate with your tissues and organs and receives information from other microbial communities.


Something you need to understand about your microbiome is it changes as you age. Your microbiome undergoes rapid development as a baby and toddler. Microflora colonization of the GI tract begins at birth. Within a few days, a complex microbial ecosystem is established. Within a month, a newborn’s microflora is predominantly composed of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. Within one to two years, the microflora resembles that of a young adult. This rate of colonization is astounding! This early period of rapid growth and development is followed by relative stability through most of early adulthood. But your microbiome is never static. By the time you reach 60 years old, your gut microbiome isn’t the same. The microbial communities become less diverse, and beneficial microbes—like Lactobacillus and  Bifidobacterium—lose ground. Instead, there’s an increase in enterobacteria populations. These opportunistic bacteria will cause infection when given the opportunity. Many researchers are studying the role of the microbiome in the aging process.


What can you do to replenish and restore your microbiome?


A healthy, thriving microbiome (and, consequently, a healthy, thriving you) requires the right mix of bacteria, proper nutrients, and resilience to handle changes. It’s important to proactively care for and support your microbiome so it can do its vital work.


The good news is healthy lifestyle habits promote a healthy microbiome, which in turn supports healthy aging. Scientists have discovered gut microbiome patterns are different in elderly adults who exercise and eat well. Those with healthy microbiomes tend to live longer, healthier lives as well! So if you take care of your microbiome, especially as you age, it’ll take care of you.


What healthy lifestyle habits promote healthy microbiomes? They’re the same healthy lifestyle habits that promote wellness in nearly every other aspect of life: a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise, and plenty of restful sleep.


The foundation of the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid— nutrition and digestion—is also the foundation of microbiome support. Your microbiome is healthiest when you eat a balanced diet with a variety of whole foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables and fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir.  You should also stay away from processed foods. Research has shown fast food can decrease the number and variability of bacteria in your gut, which can lead to weight challenges.


Next is movement and metabolism. Exercising sufficiently and caring for your metabolic health reaps rewards for your microbial communities. Studies suggest exercise enhances and encourages microbiome diversity. In turn, your gut microbiome plays an important role in metabolic health. You can stack your metabolic hacks!


You need to also rest and manage your stress to support healthy flora. Though simple and easy to overlook, sleep affects nearly every aspect of your health, just like your microbiome! Prioritizing sleep and stress management while working on the health of your microbiome will create a positive feedback loop for both areas.


Contact me for your Wellness Lifestyle Assessment to help you take control of your health and well-being by assessing aspects of your health through the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid framework.


How to Choose and Use a Quality Microbiome Supplement

There are four Ps to being “pro” biome: prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, and ‘phages, which is short for bacteriophages.


Prebiotics aren’t the same as probiotics. Prebiotics refers to dietary substances that favor the growth of probiotics, or beneficial bacteria. A simple way to think of prebiotics is the food (or fuel) for probiotics. Prebiotics are selectively fermented by commensal probiotic bacteria to produce short-chain fatty acids—acetate, propionate, and butyrate.


Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host when administered in adequate amounts. Probiotics directly compete with pathogenic bacteria for epithelial binding sites on cells and within the gut’s mucus layer to support gut barrier integrity. For a probiotic to be effective, it must survive and resist gastric, bile, and pancreatic secretions; attach to the epithelial cells; and colonize the intestines. People worldwide have consumed probiotic cultures for thousands of years in cultured yogurt or kefir and in fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and soybeans. More recently, people have come to appreciate the benefits of daily supplementation with quality microbiome support.


Postbiotics are helpful substances made by probiotics that deliver benefits long after the probiotics have passed through the digestive tract. When probiotics or existing healthy gut bacteria eat prebiotic fiber, they create good stuff—postbiotics, which are also known as metabolites. In fact, when you take prebiotics or probiotics, your end goal is to create postbiotics! Examples of these helpful substances are short-chain fatty acids, bioavailable vitamins and amino acids, peptides, enzymes, quorum-sensing molecules, indole, GABA, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters, and more.

Postbiotics have five mechanisms that support your health:


1. Modulation of resident microbiota

2. Enhancement of epithelial barrier function

3. Modulation of systemic and localized immune responses

4. Modulation of systemic metabolic responses

5. Systemic signaling via the nervous system


As you can see, postbiotics are the quiet heroes of the microbiome story!


’Phages: Bacteriophages are a natural part of the human gastrointestinal system. They’re often found in great amounts, similar to bacteria in the gut. But bacteriophages aren’t actually bacteria. They’re healthy viruses that infect and eliminate specific pathogenic bacteria. The specificity of bacteriophages allows them to selectively target harmful pathogens, and leave beneficial microbes to flourish. The use of bacteriophages as medicine was common in Europe prior to the discovery of antibiotics. Bacteriophages are particularly beneficial when they are used in combination with probiotics. Bacteriophages are abundant in nature. They’re found in seawater, soil, fermented food, and people! In fact, you have 10 times more bacteriophages in your body than bacteria.  After over 90 years of investigation on phages along with their interactions with eukaryotic cells including human and animal cells, scientists have not found any evidences regarding the harmful or negative effects on our health.


Choosing a Quality Microbiome Supplement


We have all heard of probiotic supplements and you may be taking one now. But like all supplements, they are not created equal.  One of the biggest challenges we face is the difference in standards and quality among supplements (and essential oils).


So, how do you choose a high-quality supplement for your microbiome?  Choosing the right probiotic is more than its CFU count.   Let’s dive in…..


Strains and Species

When you look at a probiotic supplement label there are many different bacteria names and numbers.  The names refer to the bacteria species and the numbers refer to the specific strain within the species.


Just like in life, diversity matters in our probiotic supplementation.  You want a microbiome supplement with multiple strains and species!   You want a supplement that is more than just probiotics. Having a prebiotic is vital as they are food for the probiotic.  Finally, you want a supplement that is gluten- and sugar-free to avoid feeding the unhealthy bacteria.  Side note, there is one popular brand on the market that contains shellac, yellow, blue, and highly toxic red 40 food coloring.




Consider the origin of the strains used in your probiotic supplement. Are they from natural sources like humans, animals, soil, and roots? Bacteria are all around you! Just exposing yourself daily to the greater biome outdoors is a wonderful way to nurture your microbiome health.


dōTERRA selected strains and species for our new microbiome products, intentionally combined a variety of natural sources, focusing on strains from human origin.


You may hear companies talk about human-origin strains of bacteria in their microbiome products. Before I define what a human-origin strain is, let’s set the record straight on one critical issue. Some of our microbial strains are human-origin, but dōTERRA does not collect them from humans, nor do they contain any human byproducts.


Human origin refers to the ability of these bacteria to grow within your body and are widely considered to be the premium source for microbiome supplements. There are trillions of bacteria types on the planet, and human-origin strains have co-evolved alongside people, giving them a place to live, and they provide us with health benefits. 




When taking probiotic supplementation, you want the cultures to be alive! This is vital to ensure the product you choose contains active, live bacteria cultures and the life of the strains is guaranteed at the time of use rather than the time of manufacture. The colony-forming unit count, or CFU, in supplements, indicates the number of live cell bacteria. It is also important to mention, that some companies can be misleading, advertising their CFU at the time of manufacture, rather than giving a shelf life commitment. It’s a mischievous way to label their products with a higher CFU count than you are actually getting at the time of use.  Please keep an eye for this and avoid products with misleading CFU counts. 


Another measurement method is active fluorescent units or AFU.  This measurement comes from a modern, sophisticated flow cytometry test method for the precise enumeration of live cells. AFU is considered the most advanced and precise enumeration method to calculate all viable cells.



Survivability & Viability 

The acidic environment of your stomach is an inhospitable place! You want a probiotic complex that has an encapsulation, an enteric coating, or a similar solution for helping the microbes survive the stomach and make it to where they are needed in your gut.



Testing & Science

Hundreds of microbial strains and genera are present in the human microbiome. A fraction of these microbes are currently available in probiotic supplements. An even smaller fraction of them have been clinically tested to prove any meaningful health benefits when included in supplements.


When you are researching microbiome supplements, it pays to review whether the strains selected in any product have been well-researched or clinically tested. Are the claims made by the manufacturer confirmed by science?


Every strain selected for dōTERRA PB Restore capsules and PB Assist+ sticks have been selected because of the substantiation in science and medical publications about the strains. All research papers were meticulously reviewed by doTERRA’s team of researchers and science and medical experts as they created the formulas for these market-leading products.


If you are currently using a probiotic supplement, I  encourage you to take this opportunity to compare labels and compare it what PB Restore and PB Assist has to offer.  Until recently, dōTERRA had two products, PB Assist+ and PB Assist Jr., that were both amazing supplements and incredibly innovative when they were launched.  The new dōTERRA PB Restore capsules and PB Assist+ sticks are even better!  If you are currently taking PB Assist+ and PB Assist Jr, compare it to the new products and see for yourself the massive uplevel you will get with the new dōTERRA PB Restore and PB Assist+.


Meet dōTERRA PB Restore™ ProBiome Complex


I want to share and point out our product name.  The PB in dōTERRA PB Restore™ and PB Assist+ stand for ProBiome.  It captures doTERRA’s intention to always deliver the best proactive health support for your microbiome to experience macro-benefits to your health and well-being.



Our microbiome extends all over our body.  dōTERRA PB Restore™ Complex is designed with your whole-body biome in mind. It’s formulated as a foundational, holistic supplement to benefit your systemic health in a number of ways including:*

  • Digestive health
  • Gut barrier integrity
  • Gut immune function
  • Micronutrient synthesis
  • Healthy metabolism
  • Respiratory health
  • Oral health
  • Skin health
  • May support cardiovascular health, urological health, plus brain and DNA function†.


The gut microbiome is a powerhouse!  PB Assist+ ProBiome Gut Complex sticks have been formulated to provide additional strains that support the gut microbiome specifically, as well as being potent enough for adults and safe enough for kids!


dōTERRA PB Restore is truly revolutionary in the microbiome supplement space. In one little dual-chambered capsule, dōTERRA delivers a proprietary blend of 30 bioactive components of pre-, pro-, and postbiotics, and bacteriophages—the four Ps in one ProBiome Complex. That’s a four-fold increase in the number of strains compared to our previous capsule. This patent-pending formulation makes dōTERRA PB Restore the market leader in diversity of strains and species within a microbiome supplement!


Each ProBiome Complex capsule offers you a CFU count of 18 billion active, live cells at the time of use. If you’ve been taking our previous capsules, that’s a triple increase in potency!


To ensure survivability and viability, dōTERRA PB Restore uses patented encapsulation technology, with an inner and outer capsule to ensure the delivery of the 30 bioactive components at just the right time to the appropriate areas in the digestive system. You can see the outer capsule hosts the prebiotic FOS, plus the postbiotic and bacteriophages. Also, inside the outer capsule is the time-release inner capsule, which holds the 24 strains of probiotics. This unique double-layer capsule technology protects the bioactive cultures from the harsh environment of the stomach, delivering their active benefits to the site of adhesion in the intestinal tract.*


Now, let’s review each of the 30 science-backed bioactive components in the formulation.


One of those bioactive components is the all-important prebiotic fructooligosaccharide (FOS). FOS is a naturally occurring carbohydrate—an indigestible fiber that’s found in fruits and vegetables such as artichokes, bananas, barley, garlic, honey, onions, wheat, and tomatoes. Fructooligosaccharides have the ability to selectively promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.


Next, there are 24 probiotic strains that have been meticulously selected for dōTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex. Let’s review some of these strains and their benefits.


Primary Probiotic Strains & Health Benefits*


Synbio L. rhamnosus IMC501 + L. paracasei IMC502

  1. Increases healthy bacteria counts, while inhibiting the impact of unwanted bacteria.
  2. Improves the body’s recovery processes and tiredness sensation after training by lowering exercise-induced oxidative stress.
  3. Supports gastrointestinal functions and promotes a healthy immune response.
  4. Maintains a healthy and stable vaginal environment by increasing Lactobacillus
  5. abundance at the vaginal level.
  6. Lowers reactive oxygen metabolites after exertion, which gets harder to do with age. [4]
  7. Maintain healthy immune function and strength and efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract when responding to stressful conditions.


B. animalis ssp. lactis BLC 1

  1. Promotes lactose digestion to suppress occasional bloating or digestive discomfort. [1]
  2. Maintains healthy bowel habits and digestive health and helps manage occasional constipation. [1]


L. acidophilus LA1

  1. Offers general digestive health support.
  2. Stimulates the natural immune system by inhibiting unwanted bacteria.
  3. Can improve lipid metabolism, benefiting overall health.
  4. Produces enzymes that are associated with supporting cardiovascular health.


L. rhamnosus SP1

  1. Maintains the health of teeth and maintenance of oral mucosa, which acts as a barrier to harmful microbes, when regularly taken. [3]
  2. Promotes skin health and visual improvement in occasional blemishes or dryness.
  3. Supports maintaining of oral health as we age. [3]


L. brevis SP48

  1. Supports mood, sleep, and brain function by naturally increasing GABA levels—a principal neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. [1]


L. rhamnosus LB21

  1. Maintains oral health and supports healthy teeth throughout life. [3]


L. reuteri LR92

  1. May help reduce the occurrence of digestive discomfort in infants as part of maternal prenatal supplementation during the last four weeks of pregnancy.


B. breve Bbr8

  1. Helps sustain a healthy microbiota for improved digestive health.
  2. Boosts the health of the immune system. [1]
  3. May contribute to healthy weight. [1]


Enteroccocus faecium SF68

  1. Has antimicrobial properties that support gut immune function and inhibit the spread of unwanted gut flora.


L. fermentum CS57

  1. Can improve lipid metabolism, benefiting overall health.
  2. Improves long-term quality of life and wellness health.
  3. Supports gut immune function by releasing specific healthy microbial molecules. [3]


L. paracasei BGP2

  1. Positively impacts intestinal and immune pathways for biological health benefits. [1]
  2. Can improve lipid metabolism, benefiting overall health. [1]
  3. Enhances gut health. [1]


L. plantarum 14D

  1. Helps sustain a healthy microbiota for improved digestive health.
  2. Sustains bifidobacteria—a beneficial bacteria that declines with age. [1]


S. thermophilus SP4

  1. Supports the maintenance of healthy microbiota balance and improves lactose digestion.


L. crispatus SP28

  1. Maintains predominance of lactobacilli and a healthy vaginal ecosystem.


L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus LB2

  1. Aids in lactose digestion. [1]
  2. Helps sustain a healthy microbiota for improved digestive health. [1]


B. longum ssp. longum SP54

  1. Supports the intestinal barrier to help inhibit unwanted microbes from growing. [2]


L. gasseri SP33

  1. Maintains predominance of lactobacilli and a healthy vaginal ecosystem.



[1]  Based on preclinical research. More clinical research is needed.

[2]  Based on multi-strain research. More research on this strain a lone is needed.

[3]  Based on research involving different delivery systems. More research involving capsules is needed.

[4]  Based on research of young athletes. More research on other age groups is needed.



There’s one postbiotic strain in dōTERRA PB Restore: L. rhamnosus CRL 1505 HI. It functions like a ghost probiotic. It’s an after-life, nonliving probiotic that’s still recognized by your epithelial and immune cells. Comparative studies about this strain have demonstrated this heat-inactivated immunobiotic provides a cell wall and peptidoglycan, supporting the innate immune response related to respiratory health.*


There are four bacteriophages in dōTERRA PB Restore: LH01-Myoviridae, LL5-Siphoviridae, T4D-Myoviridae, and LL12-Myroviridae.


These ’phages seek out unwanted microbes that can compromise digestive health, urinary tract health, and other systems of the body. They effectively clear space for probiotics to do their important work. They destabilize the cell walls of the unwanted bacteria and take over important functions to subdue their impact.*


While a good probiotic can help to maintain microbiome balance and strengthen the immune system, the innovative addition of bacteriophages to our dōTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex means the 24 probiotics strains may have an amplified impact and ability to improve your intestinal health.* The prebiotic FOS, postbiotic strain, and these four bacteriophages are encapsulated in the outer cap of the dual-chamber capsule. They’re ready to get to work before the probiotics are released, which are inside the dark green inner cap.


By taking one dual-chamber capsule per day with a meal, you support your body’s microbiome with unparalleled diversity in one supplement.*


dōTERRA PB Assist+® Probiome Gut Complex


While dōTERRA PB Restore™ is meant for your body’s overall microbiome, PB Assist+ ProBiome Gut Complex provides targeted strains to support gut and digestive health specifically.*


PB Assist+ is a proprietary blend of 13 strains of probiotics and a prebiotic in a convenient stick pack for the whole family to enjoy. That’s double the number of strains when compared to our previous stick pack.


The 13 probiotic strains are different from those offered for gut health in dōTERRA PB Restore, delivering maximum diversity to anyone taking both products daily.*


PB Assist+ ProBiome Gut Complex delivers seven billion AFU at the time of use.  Remember, AFU stands for active fluorescent units. It’s the most sophisticated method for enumerating the live cultures in a probiotic supplement.


Like dōTERRA PB Restore, PB Assist+ contains prebiotic FOS inulin, which clinical and experimental research suggest promotes a healthy digestive system and may provide digestive comfort, promotes healthy lipid metabolism, promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, may promote a healthy nervous system, and promotes a healthy immune system.*


Plus, it’s so tasty! Kids and adults alike have told us how much they love the new strawberry melon flavor. It’s fun for the whole family to take PB Assist+ together.


Its potency is strong enough for adults while being absolutely safe for kids. Enjoying PB Assist+ as a family is one of the easiest ways to promote healthy habits in your kids from an early age.


Without the unique double-layer capsule technology, how does PB Assist+ ensure its probiotics survive the harsh stomach acid and reach your gut? The answer is microencapsulation. While PB Assist+ feels like it just melts in your mouth, remember that these friendly floras are microscopic. The probiotic strains are micro-encapsulated with a protective coating, which supports efficient delivery to the intestines in the lower GI tract where they can flourish and get to work.*


Let’s review each of the 13 science-backed probiotic strains in the ProBiome Gut Complex formulation:

L. rhamnosus LGG

L. plantarum LP01

L. plantarum LP02

B. breve BR03

B. lactis BS01

L. rhamnosus LR04

L. rhamnosus LR06

B. longum 04

B. breve B632

B. lactis BS05

Streptococcus thermophilus FP4

L. reuteri LRE02

L. salivarius ssp. salivarius CRL 1328


In summary, clinical and experimental research about the 13 bioactive components in dōTERRA PB Assist+ suggest this formulation:*

  • Benefits overall digestive health and may provide digestive comfort.
  • Promotes healthy gut microflora.
  • Promotes a healthy inflammatory response.
  • Promotes a healthy mouth in children.
  • May promote healthy-looking skin in toddlers and children.
  • Supports a healthy immune system.
  • Supports childhood health and healthy nervous system development.


As mentioned, these 13 strains are unique from the 24 probiotic strains in dōTERRA PB Restore. That means when taken together, PB Assist+ sticks and dōTERRA PB Restore capsules provide 37 strains of probiotics. Add in pre- and postbiotics, plus bacteriophages, and that’s a whopping 43 bioactive components! A diverse microbiome is a healthy microbiome, so adults may choose to combine both ProBiome supplements daily for superior diversity and health support.*



How to Use dōTERRA ProBiome Supplements


Taking dōTERRA ProBiome supplements is simple.


You can take one dōTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex a day just prior to a meal.


You can pour PB Assist+ powder straight into your mouth or mix it with cold water and drink immediately. It can also be mixed with cold foods like a smoothie, applesauce, or yogurt.


It is recommended to take these supplements with a meal. That’s when your digestive system is most active and will move the probiotics through the stomach’s harsh environment at the pace required for the encapsulation technology to do its job. If you were to take them at another time—like before bed—your supplement is more likely to sit idle in stomach acid for too long because digestion slows when you sleep.


Take them with a meal, but away from foods above body temperature and never with hot beverages, which will damage the bioactive components.


Remember probiotics in your supplements are transient, their benefits depend upon daily use. Just like how you need water to hydrate your cells each day or you take dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack daily for sufficient micronutrient intake, dōTERRA PB Restore and PB Assist+ are recommended as a foundational daily supplement.


If you recall, probiotic consumption during childhood has well-established health benefits and may support long-term well-being, so many parents want to know how to use ProBiome products with their children. Both dōTERRA PB Restore and PB Assist+ can be taken by teenagers, and children as young as four years old can take a full dose of PB Assist+ daily. If you have toddlers, you can start with a half dose—half a sachet—of PB Assist+ and build up to a regular dose over a couple of weeks, attending to their bowel movements and adjusting as needed.


Tailoring for Personal Health Goals


What concerns do you have about your overall health and well-being?


Focus on one or two manageable healthy habits to implement. 


Contact me for your Wellness Lifestyle Assessment to help you take control of your health and well-being by assessing aspects of your health through the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid framework.



I invite you to hop on over to my Insta and/or Facebook pages this month. as we embark on the journey of motherhood. From pregnancy to newborns and all the stuff in between, I will share the tools you need if you are pregnant or know an expectant mommy-to-be, and the environment for the arrival of your little bundle of joy. Tips include safe use of essential oils during pregnancy, product highlights throughout pregnancy, essential oils for baby, daily protocols during pregnancy and so much more!



Until the next time,

Be Well, Deanna

Peace. Love. Oils.  



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

† More confirming clinical research is needed



Deanna Snyder, RN

About the Author: Deanna Snyder, RN

Deanna is a seasoned registered nurse who specialized in adult critical care, and is certified as a health coach, Reiki & AROMATOUCH practitioner. She is a wellness advocate and community volunteer.  With over 35 years of healthcare experience, Deanna will take you on a journey of health, wellness, and vitality as you crowd out old habits and replace them with natural, safe, and effective alternatives. 



